Welcome to Samudayik Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.

Welcome to Samudayik !

One of the Micro finance Institutions registered under the company Act, 2063 on 2070-03-28 as public limited Company having Registration number 114029/069/070 in Company Registrar Office, Kathmandu, Nepal and licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank (Central Bank of Nepal) as a 'D' class financial institution on 2070-12-30 with Reg. No. 36/070/071 to operate under bank and financial institution act 2073. We locate at Sanga, Banepa Municipality,ward no. 14,Kavrepalanchowk district,Province No. 3 of Nepal.

Compulsory Savings:    This saving is compulsory for our member. Member can deposit minimum 100-500 rupees in each month depending upon the class of group. And we provide the interest rate of 7.5 % per year for this saving.

Optional Savings:   Every members of our company can have personal account and can save the money at 7.5% per year. During monthly meeting Member can deposit minimum 5 ruppes to more amount with their choices. Tha account should be maintained at least Rs. 100 by the member.

Nari Savings:   Our member can deposit their amount for ceratin festival.They get interest at 7.5 % per year.

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General Loan:   General loan is given to member for various income generating business like agro-based,service based,trades,and small and cottage industries etc.

Maximum ceiling of this type of loan amount 150000 can be disbursed to each member in the basis of group guarantee. It has 15% rate(changeble) which is in decreasing rate.

Seasonal Loan:   Seasonal loan is also group based micro loan which is given to those members having general loan as addition. This type of loan is specially given for seasonal business and income generating activities. Maximum limit of this type of loan is 20000 rupees. It has 15% decreasing rate. Seasonal loan can be repaid with one year maturity date by installments as general loan.

Sahuliyat Loan:   ahuliyat loan has been created specially for those members household who were affected by massive earthquakes occured. This type of loan is given for making homes to the members household affected.Normal rate for this loan is 13%.

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